Wednesday, June 7, 2017


...So it all started when I was 7 years old. Yes like most kids I liked comic books and super heroes and and everything else. Then my brother took me and my best friend to go see Star Wars. From that moment I was hooked.
  Skip forward to junior high school. There was some sort of a version of a pep rally happening at school, but it wasn't like normal pep rallies. You had to pay to go, and if you didn't pay you were forced to stay in home room for the hour.
  That was when my friend Tommy told me about Dungeons and Dragons. It was the first time I played and it has not been the last.
 Since then I've become a huge fan of most things Fantasy and Sci-fi. So this space will mostly be dedicated to talking about things that I enjoy from movies, books, comic books, and that pesky book I've been working on for what seems like my entire life. I may talk a bit about politics and religion but that will not be a focus of this blog.
 Thanks for reading! 

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